This is December with cold days and chilled nights this
month also has few important dates like “X-mas” i.e. 25th December
it also ends with 31st and next morning we all are welcoming the 1st
January aka “New Year” these all put us
in happy and joyous mood but this particular month is also have an important
date “this is the due date of advance payment of Income tax which is 15th
of December”
But 15th December 2013 is on Sunday and
considering this fact and practical problems of assessee the CBDT has issued an
order under sec.119 (ia) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 dated 13.12.2013 .
The CBDT has issued an Order dated 13.12.2013 under section
119(2)(ia) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 extending the last date of payment of
the December Quarter Installment of Advance Tax for the
financial year 2013-14 from 15th December 2013 to 17th December 2013 for all
the assessees, Corporate and other than Corporates.